Wednesday, March 9, 2016

19 'Til 19: My Adopted Brother's Wedding

Wow, there are seriously so many details to this story, but I'll keep it short and sweet. Last July (the 25th to be exact), my adopted brother got married. I grew up with this kid, and during the year before, he and I had become super close. Around this time a young lady we (meaning some of the people from my church) knew moved to our area and started attending our church. Her name was Indira and she was originally from the Dominican Republic. She had been in the United States to go to college and was now graduated. She just had gotten a job about a half an hour away from where our church meets teaching in a bilingual elementary school. At first, Caleb liked her only as a friend, but she ended up being really attracted to him. One day though, it all clicked for him and they started dating. Now Indira needed to go back to her country for 2 years to sort of "give back" to them after they had let her live in the US for a while. Caleb got a separate apartment down there and they spent a lot of time together. About 6 months after they started dating, they were engaged. Originally, Caleb and Indira thought they would get married in the Dominican Republic, but because of the rules of their church down there, they couldn't get married until September (2015). Therefore, they both came back to the states for a couple months last summer (2015) and the people from my church helped Indira plan a wedding in just a couple weeks. It was kind of thrown together and didn't cost a ton, but I think it ended up being beautiful. My sister and I were asked to be bridesmaids in the wedding...and we agreed to..of course! It was seriously special to me...I liked Indira the moment I met her...and Caleb and I were so close that we are practically like siblings and have a really amazing friendship. Almost all the youth from my church (yeah, we have a small congregation) was in the wedding and because we all grew up together, it seriously felt like a family event and was just so, so special! :) Here's are a few pictures from that great day:

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